Hi Everyone, We all know we should exercise, but what keeps us going? We have to ENJOY it in some way - either during, or at least during the endorphin rush that rewards us afterwards!
Still not convinced about Online classes? I've had so many positive messages over the past few months about our online classes - I'm so grateful to everyone who took some time to email and reassure and support me! 🏽 Here are just a couple that made my whole day when they came in: "Hi Fran. I just wanted to drop you a message to say THANK YOU. My sis has been nagging me for so long to join your online fitness classes and I’ve struggled to get motivated. When the second lockdown was announced something clicked and when she reiterated how amazing/convenient/effective/perfect your online classes were, I decided to sign up for a month to see if I could get committed. Well what can I say. I am so happy. Whether it’s Emma’s crazy dancing, Rosie’s ridiculous figure, Lauren’s drive, or your friendly face, I enjoy every single class. The feeling I get after completing a session versus the short lived buzz of eating junk and sitting down is incomparable. I have lost 9lb since I signed up, and I feel more toned and uplifted than I have in a long long time. Thank you for providing such a great service. Online classes gives us the benefits of a live class whilst rolling out of bed five minutes before it starts and then getting straight back to work because we are in fact meant to be working from home! Thanks to you and your team f
or helping us with that struggle to succeed." "Hiya Fran .... I have complet
ed (a class) nearly every day since November and I can honestly say that I haven’t felt so good for a long time - as you know, being a mum puts “you” in the back seat but since joining, I have loved having my half hr of me time every day and feel so much more energised, happy and less stressed. That’s all thanks to you and your amazing team (I cannot tell you how weird it was for me to see your two daughters as coaches - I remember you running your classes being pregnant with Rosie whilst Lauren was sometimes sitting at the front waiting for you to finish! Crazy how time goes so fast!). I love how you and Emma haven’t changed a bit and are still the reason why your classes are so addictive. We’re all scared of Lauren 🤣 she’s so good at motivating you to push through the pain and try the hard options so even though I dread her lessons, it’s for the right reasons. And Rosie has your same sense of humour and her figure is a ridiculously good incentive! The online has been perfect for me - I definitely wouldn’t have been able to do the live classes due to time restraints so I’m so grateful that you have carried on with online. I love the variation too - this morning the HIIT followed by Yogalates was the perfect combination!!
A humungous thank you for helping me to end a crappy year with a whole load of positivity"
How lovely is that? If you haven't tried the Online yet, give it a go! More and more of our long term members are going for it now that we are stuck at home for the duration - message me if you need help or guidance, I would love to welcome you back! Our Back2Basics classes are still going strong, with lots of you looking for less intense workouts on the timetable. Do you guys want these as regular classes after Jan? Currently the schedule is Monday at 10.15am, Tuesday at 6.30pm, Wednesday at 9.30am and Saturday at 9.15am ... loads of options. Click straight onto the book a class page on the website to join in!
Video Subscription:
Lots more uploads to the VS this week - 24 in total!
If choosing which video to do is a faff, try the new "Best of the Week" subscription which is just £6-75 a month! I select 7 or 8 different workouts each week and upload them for your weekly consumption ... never get bored, and if you really like a video, you can buy it for download for about 2 an half quid!
Take a look here and see which subscription is right for you.
Take care, keep warm, keep safe,
Lots of love,
Fran x
Follow me on my socials for class clips, health & fitness tips!
Insta: @flins_fitness
Twitter: @flinsfitness
Facebook: Flin’s Fitness with Fran or join my group Fran Flin’s Fitness & Health Community
Class Schedule Week Commencing Sunday 17th Jan
denotes Online classes
10am Complete Fitness Training with Lauren
6.45am Early Morning Workout with Fran
9.30am HIIT with Lauren
10.15am Back2Basics with Lauren
11am Essential Pilates with Michele
5.45pm Body Conditioning with Rosie F
6.30pm Yoga Flow with Jules
9.30am LBA with Rosie F
10.15am Yoga with Tracey
5.45pm Power Combat with Fran
6.30pm Back2Basics with Fran
6.45am Early Morning Workout with Fran
9.30am Back2Basics with Rosie F
10.15am Resistance Band W/out with Fran
5.45pm HIIT with Rosie F
6.30pm Pilates with Jules
9.30am HIIT with Tracey
10.15am Yoga Conditioning with Emma
5.45pm Total Body Workout with Rosie F
6.30pm Yoga with Carrie
6.45am Early Morning Workout with Rosie F
9.30am Cardio & Core with Lauren
10.15am Body Conditioning with Emma
11am - Fitness Pilates with Emma
9.15am Back2Basics with Fran
10am Total Body Workout with Emma
10.45am Yogalates with Fran
Please note that this might be subject to change, and the schedule on TeamUp is correct on the day!